Sunday, December 31, 2006
Tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow......
And now we have a scrummy new camera (thankyou the aged P's) there is no excuse not to keep up with it all :D
So...have a good evening and I shall be back tomorow
Friday, November 10, 2006
It's growing!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Playing catch up!!
I am on a knitting thing at the moment and these socks are either going to be for FIL or DH - haven't decided yet...
And then there is the scarf that I made a while ago...pattern from and the wool is Debbie Bliss Soho. It uses 2 balls and I mean 2 complete balls! I have made 3 now and panic each time I get near the end but there is always about 20cm left over....PHEW!!!
And finally the chocolate brownie that I made this afternoon. It is a bit gooey, as you can see..but is is seriously belicious...and rather sickly...think I ate too much. Ben had some too but it defeated even the little biscuit boy!!!
I have also been making some cards and an altered tin for Scrapkits but I will wait til the newsletter comes out before I put them here.
Friday, October 06, 2006
The pressure is on!!

Oh my life...someone has a link to here on their blog (I am very flattered Jo..thankyou) but it means that I really had better upload something that I have done. I think blogger is being naughty this morning though as it won't let me add an image :(
Now it is the necklace I made with my birthday beads :D
DH has a trianing day today which meant that he took L to school and will be home before 7 for the first time this week! It also means that I wallowed in bed til 7.30 - a complete luxury!
And now the postie has arrived with my christmas I shall away to droll and try again later to put on piccies...............
Monday, October 02, 2006
To do!!
DS1 is off school today for a training day (teachers) and so we ar going out to play..he won't let me leave him but, thankfully, his friends mum is really nice so no trauma there. Tomorrow I may be helping in his class and then I have a gym assessment so quite when this TO DO list will get done I don't know!
- Keep up to date with stuff I have done for Scrapkits DT - still have to send Lou piccies of the gorgeous tin I did from the 3bugs..sorry Chick!
- Post piccies of the necklace and earrings I made from birthday beads (thankyou Auntie Jan and Uncle Paul:D )
- Upload (taking first) pics of things I made ay my crop at the weekend
- Uplaod pages that I have done (I am seriously behind but I can't always be learning new things!) for Shimelles class.
Well...not much to do there then!!
ETA Oh yeah..and update my People to See links cos that is seriously lacking!!!!!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
I knew it!!
Have also borrowed the parents digi camera so I can take some piccies of things I have done and upload them.
I shall start with birthday pressies me thinks...yes, 34 time flies when you are having fun <:)
Well, I had better get on with somehitng. Boys are watching tele and the tea is cooking...what to do.....hmmmm........
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006

Well, as I have this up and running now i had better post something that I have made!! I have been doing Shimelle's Learn Something New Every Day class (see button on the right) and so far I am only 14 days behind!! Hey ho..I will get there in the end and I AM enjoying doing it. for your delight, IF I can upload my title page. All Chatterbox (my fave) apart from the brad (Bazzill) and the flower ( Hope it is pleasing to the eye(oh yes, and the letters were free on a mag).
Please bear with me as this is 'under construction'!! If you can't wait then...don' won't miss much!! hee hee!!!
But THANKYOU to Clare for sorting me banner and links and everything...just hope I don't delelte it all by mistake!
And I will make no apologise, right now, for my exclaimation problem...I just couldn't imagine life without them!!!!!!!!!