Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Monthly challenge...

If you need an incentive/encouragement to get all your Christmas pressies made for next year, then Annie at The Felt Fairy is doing a monthly challenge...details are in the link.  I'm definitely going to but I will have to exclude all shop makes...that would be cheating!!!

Pledge to Make One Item A Month!!

I also had a bit of  card making frenzy yesterday..I will take photos later.  Think I made 7!!!! 

Last day of the holidays today for the little people.  Mr C went back this morning...not the most jolly of occasions but it must be done. 

Lots of people talking of disgracefully taking their Christmas trees down :(  Ours are staying up until AT LEAST  the weekend and I am even planning on keeping the one up in the back room (the Sunshine room we call it) where I do most of my sewing and sitting.  I think I will make it a 'theme' tree...I will see how it goes.  It is 6ft so maybe that is a bit adventurous...maybe the little one would be more achievable...it is tinsel though so I may not get away with that.

Monday, January 03, 2011

3rd already...

it is a good job that I didn't make an resolutions as it is the 3rd already and I would not have kept a single one of them!!!  I have done quite a bit of sewing though...lots of brooches, 2 of them commissions, so all I need to do now is photograph them and get them into my shop...this is the bit I hate doing to be frank.  I find it ridiculously boring, but it is a necessary evil.

As I type, another pre-teen (he's not 10 yet!) sulky type rant is happening from Mr Chops.  A lot of slamming doors (if it doesn't slam loudly enough the first time then it is a matter of honour to open it an try harder!) and 'fine' being shouted.  No idea what it is about this time.  I really should write them all down but then I would probably be horrified.  There was the occasion last week when he was leaving home...something to do with whose turn it was to play on their 'wii save'...it all gets very technical and involves what week's timetable is being used at Daddy's school (it's the holidays Mr Chops...no timetable!!!) and a lot of screaming of 'drop out' and other charming turn of phrase.  I can write this with a clear conscience because I know plenty of other people who go through the same children dramas on a daily basic...so if you think that it is only you...it is not!  Some loud stamping has just been added...always a good one!

Mind you...this is usually an indicator that food is needed. It must surely be snack time...we operate on a 'snack time most if the time' system.  Mr B is not so bad, but, almost since birth, Mr Chops has needed food almost 24 hours a day ( you would not believe it to look at him..he's skinny as anything).  I find this completely wearing but it must be done.  He has got better but it is thinking of different 'healthy' things that drives me nuts. Off to find the fruit bowl...it is usually in a state of pillage.. I am the only mother I know who is desperate for her child (not Mr B...he would happily eat cake all day!) to eat more cake and less fruit...I know...but it is true...I promise.......

Saturday, January 01, 2011


I don't really make resolutions...it sets me up for a fall.  I have carried on my September resolution though to get up at 6 am on a school day.  Well, maybe the last 2 or 3 days it was 6.30, but anyone who knows me well will know that I am most definitely not a morning person!! So I have managed that.  But this year I guess it is...MUST TRY HARDER!  I do far too many things not as well as I should and should be doing fewer things much better.  Checking for typpos is one of those - thankyou Kazbo!

SO, we shall see.....

Excuse me...I have to go and watch Santa Claus the movie with Mr B........