Saturday, October 12, 2013


I know they are gorgeous

and they look really cute when they fall asleep mid clean...

Stan may well be a big 'S Club' fan

And they sight of them sleeping like this melts your heart....

 BUT THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!!!  My beautiful 1950's dinner plate (only 4 now:( ).  The other one was in a worse state so Mr C wouldn't let me see it.....

As no one would own up, they were both put on a screen ban and told that next time they would have to hoover up the mess. may be cute but you're not beyond a finger wagging!

Just to add...yes that is an old ladies is a hand-me-down from an old family friend who is long gone.  She was lovely but the sofa is not.  It is in my work room so you won't have to see it. It does the job though....

Friday, August 30, 2013

A sad goodbye......with a much needed hello.....

We said goodbye to our fur boy at the beginning of the holidays.....

Oscar had made it to the grand old age of 15 despite having blood pressure and kidney problems for the past 3 years (I may have previously mentioned that I was going to retrain as a vet in order to go on a cruise!).  He was certainly full  of character.  I am trying to think of a friend who came round who wasn't bitten by him if they ignored him. I always used to say...'don't engage and stroke him because he won't let you stop!' .  But it was time to say goodbye.....

and so we had a very large cat shaped hole in our family.....enter ...trouble.....




Two 12 week old bundles of fluff.  They have certainly livened things up.  Hilda's neutering wound opened up the day after we got them and so we had to separate them because all she wanted to do was leap around and play fight Stanley.  The vet gave her a collar to stop her licking the wound but it was too big.  We put a t-shirt sleeve on her to cover it..and she fainted!! Stan had already passed out after his pre-med so we were slightly prepared but it was scary none the less.  Only we could have fainting kittens...every moment a dramatic opportunity in this house.  She's better now though and they can rough and tumble as much as they like. 
Exhibit A

And they have grown so much.....I'll keep you posted....

Monday, June 17, 2013

A new discovery...for me :)

I'm probably years behind the times, but I have just found something to make patchwork, English Paper Piecing to be precise, a whole lot easier.  Usually my patchwork looks like this....

See all the little stitches holding the fabric onto the hexie templates?

Well, now, thanks to this little beauty that is a thing of the past.....fabric glue in a stick :)

Can't remember where I go tit from but if you google it is should pop up.  Just draw across each side of your hexie, sticking as you go...LOVE IT!!!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

It's interesting....

...the things you find on your camera because I definitely don't remember making these!  In fact, I would say that their lack of felt accessories and bunting means they definitely had nothing to do with me..... 


Monday, June 10, 2013

Dear Blog.....

....I have neglected you am I am a disgrace.  It has been far too long since my last visit and I know that 'sorry' will not be enough :(  How can I make it up to you?  Would some pictures do the trick....

How about some bike bunting?  I really am in love with it and it has become my mission to dec the bike baskets of Cambridge with it.  Not thinking you can use it? 

What about my crochet tabled?  Look at all those lovely colours....I'll share my drink with you and let you look at my book.  Would that do the trick?

Well, if not that then surely a glimpse of my very first attempts at shirring will melt your cold html heart...mellow your wrath a bit.....

I know you won't be able to resist this cute bunny...made for William complete with his very own feeding couldn't be that mad at me?

More bike bunting?

Well, definately these shiny shoes will do the trick...I could even bling up your friend,  Lavinia

Cup of tea?  Lovely new tea cosy, look! impression of a cat is sure to win you over and if it doesn't then.....


Tom Selleck will always do the trick :)

Well, my lovely blog, if you can't forgive me then please accept this small token of my gratitude for sticking with me and not locking me out.....


I know I have been neglectful of you but I have been busy making things...honest.....well, not the bunnies, I didn't make the real ones!  I even have a shiny new facebook page to show for it...hop over and have a look...

and a new shop here that I am only just beginning

I've got lots of lovely ideas in the pipeline and I promise to be back often, really Miss Blog, I do.


Thursday, February 07, 2013

Got the needles out again

I haven't knitted in absolutely ages and I felt the 'sock itch' so cast these on this morning.....

I start from the toe so the boys think it is hilarious that they look like knickers to start with...for very small people!  Can't quite remember what the yarn is.  THINK it might be NDS bought from my LYS.  Really hope I don't get second sock syndrome...these look like they are going to be beautiful.  Not sure whether to do a pattern on the leg yet though...will have to look at my books and Ravelry.

For now.....


Monday, February 04, 2013

A challenge....

I like it!

Well, I have had several lessons with my Yr3 classes about long term goals and aims.  So, I decided it was only right to set myself one and tel them.  My thinking behind this was that if I said it out loud, in front of reliable witnesses (they have already asked me several times how I am doing) then I will have to do it.

I got a voucher for Christmas from my parents for The Sheep Shop which is my LYS.  So off i trotted, pattern in hand (it's called Chevron Lace Cardigan from here ) and I purchased myself some rather lovely Debbie Bliss Cashmerino is a beautiful peacock teal type colour.  
And here it is.  Obviously the colour is COMPLETELY wrong in the picture!

A close up of the chevron pattern.  

And the absolutely added bonus is that it is top down with no seam joining...result!

I have about 7 weeks until the end of term to finish pressure then.

Sunday, February 03, 2013

We shall see...

am attempting to blog on  netbook that has taken me absolutely ages to set up to our wi-fi...

Thought it was about time I posted an update on the granny stripe blanket.  Had planned to do a colour everyday, that would be 2 rows.  It has nearly worked.  I have 30 colours so far so am only 3 stripes behind :)

Right, well this is a complete failure because you can't even hit the publish button...and copy and paste doesn't work...there is no option to insert a picture...

Right...back to my trusty Lavinia Laptop...

As you can see, it has grown a lot but it is still a very long way off finishing.

And, no, our rabbits have not turned into footballs.  Here they are

Mr C has put some stale fruit bread out for the birds and they were looking for bits under the bird table.  Samba would find some, Barley would spot she had it and so she would run off with it.  Every time Barley got close she grabbed her prize and ran off again.  She must have done several laps of the garden.  It is a wonder Barley is as portly as he is.

And I completely forgot to even mention all the snow we have had.  Well, not a lot if you live in Canada, but quite a lot for us.  No snow day though so all school pupils and teachers in this house (all of us) has to trudge through the snow.  Poor Mr C had the furthest to go and his bike has now bitten the dust.  Bike no. 3 is now with us.

I have also started a cardigan and a hexagon blanket but more of those another day.

Thanks for sticking with me...sorry for being a little rubbish.......................

Monday, January 07, 2013


has not exactly been marvelous.  It started well enough. Mr C was back to school today so I got up at 7...I always feel bad if he is leaving to go to work and we are all snoring away.  I got some of my granny stripe done....boys woke up and played nicely.  I could tell they were playing with Lego because I could hear the rumble of it in the boxes from the back room.  Then it was tome fore breakfast...downhill from there really.  Mr Chops decided to microwave a roll to warm it up......30 seconds calls me through to the kitchen.  I should have checked that he had heard me.  About 4 minutes I think.....another 30 secs and the kitchen would have been on fire.  The smell was horrendous and is still here over 6 hours later.  That would have done for me...can't have too much excitement in one day but no...never leave it there...I decided to wash B's trainers.  Walking past the washing machine to light a candle to rid us of the smell of the near housefire......I noticed that foam was pouring out of the washing machine.   The light was flashing to say the door was ready to open so I just assumed there was only foam in the drum....NEVER assume.

er....brief break as I cold smell burning.  I forgot eh lemons I put on to boil...the pan is now black and the kitchen now smells of burn lemons...I a off to cry!

Saturday, January 05, 2013

New Year...New intentions.....??


Blogging has gone by the wayside and this is not good.  The thing is that I have started to write an actually real paper and pen diary and so this blog has been neglected.  I have also been continuing my crochet obsession so there has been no time.
Cue photos of things I have made and remembered to take a picture of...many I have forgotten too :(
Mum's birthday cushion...have made 3 of these now and still not one for me :(
Hat in progress from ravelry...must find the link.
One of the many brooches I sell

My Attic24 wreath...not sure if I am finished yet.
Close up of the flowers and stars

The beginnings of my granny stripe blanket
Day 3 of the granny stripe

Something for someone.......can't say
Close this DROPS merino yarn
Nice :)

I don't know if it is just my ineptitude but I am not liking Blogger at the moment.  I don't seem to be able to put 2 pictures next to each other, even if I make the small.  I haven't a clue how you make one of those 9 or 12 photo montages.  It is just quite frustrating.

But...I did get this is the post today..... who cares about to make coffee and browse :)