Monday, January 07, 2013


has not exactly been marvelous.  It started well enough. Mr C was back to school today so I got up at 7...I always feel bad if he is leaving to go to work and we are all snoring away.  I got some of my granny stripe done....boys woke up and played nicely.  I could tell they were playing with Lego because I could hear the rumble of it in the boxes from the back room.  Then it was tome fore breakfast...downhill from there really.  Mr Chops decided to microwave a roll to warm it up......30 seconds calls me through to the kitchen.  I should have checked that he had heard me.  About 4 minutes I think.....another 30 secs and the kitchen would have been on fire.  The smell was horrendous and is still here over 6 hours later.  That would have done for me...can't have too much excitement in one day but no...never leave it there...I decided to wash B's trainers.  Walking past the washing machine to light a candle to rid us of the smell of the near housefire......I noticed that foam was pouring out of the washing machine.   The light was flashing to say the door was ready to open so I just assumed there was only foam in the drum....NEVER assume.

er....brief break as I cold smell burning.  I forgot eh lemons I put on to boil...the pan is now black and the kitchen now smells of burn lemons...I a off to cry!

Saturday, January 05, 2013

New Year...New intentions.....??


Blogging has gone by the wayside and this is not good.  The thing is that I have started to write an actually real paper and pen diary and so this blog has been neglected.  I have also been continuing my crochet obsession so there has been no time.
Cue photos of things I have made and remembered to take a picture of...many I have forgotten too :(
Mum's birthday cushion...have made 3 of these now and still not one for me :(
Hat in progress from ravelry...must find the link.
One of the many brooches I sell

My Attic24 wreath...not sure if I am finished yet.
Close up of the flowers and stars

The beginnings of my granny stripe blanket
Day 3 of the granny stripe

Something for someone.......can't say
Close this DROPS merino yarn
Nice :)

I don't know if it is just my ineptitude but I am not liking Blogger at the moment.  I don't seem to be able to put 2 pictures next to each other, even if I make the small.  I haven't a clue how you make one of those 9 or 12 photo montages.  It is just quite frustrating.

But...I did get this is the post today..... who cares about to make coffee and browse :)