Friday, January 01, 2010

Oh lookie...a new challenge...

Scrapdolly is having a challenge class type thing this year an, as I haven't scrapped properly for well over a year, I thought I would take part. Linkie in the sidebar. I am determined to be more organised ( ha, ha!!) this year so feel I really should try and do this.

Also, I have been reading this book and it is completely fascinating (to me anyway) to read about everyday life in Britain in a different era. I love social history anyway but thought I should keep up this blog as a kind of diary. As I am not expecting it to be read apart from me then I can be as boring as I like and it won't matter. The only thing that bothers me is how long with all this blog malarky last? If I write it here will I still be able to read it in, say, 30 years? I kind of doubt it and so maybe pen paper would be better. But then I spend a lot of time in cyberworld so I would be more likely to keep it up. Who knows...we shall see.

So today...1st January 2010...the start of yet another new era. 10 years ago Mr C and I were in Southwold (or probably on out way back by now), footloose and fancy free. I cannot believe how much our lives have changed since children. And then I realised that most of the people I spend an awful lot of time with now are people I did not even know 10 years ago!

Anyway...I have to make pizza for Mr Chops and Mr B so had better go.......

and here is a picture..just because I can!...

A card made for one of Mr B's friend's birthdays. I think the paper was from Nitwits.

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