Don't know what happened there. Clearly Blogger was disgusted with my lack of effort in the blogging department! Lets see if I can find a pic of it in pieces.....
I made a quilt top yesterday, after the mammoth effort of making William's last week for his Christmas present. I had forgotten how fab the pattern was, from the Buttonberry girls (google stashbuster quilt), and how quick it was to make (mind you, binding it took hours!!). So in the last couple of days I made another using all my red fabric. It's too dark now to get a pic but will show tomorrow. Then, with all the leftovers, I did one of my favourite things, just stitching them all together and trimming as I went along. I cut the pattern from 2 bits of this 'proper pathwork', 2 lining pieces and 2 pieces of themal fabric. Got the pattern info from this months Simply Homemade. It's really easy. Just a bit of measuring and then draw your own pattern. Think I may make some more and put them in my Etsy shop.
Here's the quilt I made for William...
Right, off to find some tea, me thinks......also, I promise this year to be better at checking for typos...I have got a bit of a reputation of fb for typing, pressing enter, and then checking!!!
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