Thursday, January 05, 2012

I'm on a roll....

Today is the first day since Christmas that I haven't sewn!  I have made a tea cosy, a tea pot stand, a cushion cover, a quilt top, 3 small pieces to go on the wall, 2 huge other patchwork bits made from scraps, on of them half the size of the bed, 2 messenger bags, appliqued designs on 2 other bags...err..I think that might be it...but I may have done more.  I don't know what's got into me!?!!  The weather has been so dull, rainy and windiferous that I haven't taken many pictures but I will...I don't set myself very high standards with photography but it is nice to see what you are actually supposed to be looking at! Plus, Blogger is really giving me a headache adding pictures at the minute and I have no idea why.

Hoooo-blooming-rah!!  Finally, his has only taken 15 minutes to add the photo. This is on of 3 that I made form stuff I had.  Was thinking of maybe a runner by joining them all or table mats, have to make another, but decided to back them and bind them and display them on the wall going up the stairs.  It is a large expanse of boring magnolia (previous owners) and it desperately needs some colour.  I love my house but it is dullsville in the colour department and we don't really have the funds spare to decorate.  Our old house was full of colour so I do feel like we are all washed out here.  Never day.....We'll get it done eventually....Mr Chops needs a new bedroom carpet first.  Life will still go on, even with magnolia walls.....unlike the very shallow moment I had when the dishwasher broke down the other day...but that is another story :)

I did knit this morning though.....a purple jelly baby :)

1 comment:

♥ emma bear forever ♥ said...

Happy New Year. Your scrap fabric patchwork is lovely. I'd love to know which designs you have used and also WE need to see a pic of the knitted purple jellybaby xx