Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sunday afternoon

And some secret crocheting for Mr Chops' birthday next week.....

All finished now except the arms which I will do tonight.

It's been so hot here today.  Oscar found a shady spot though

He's not looking very impressed - probably thinks I might steal his spot.  Why he thinks I would lie under the picnic table is anyone's guess, but then I am not a cat...who can fathom their minds!!!!!

Also finally got round to putting pva on the back of my funky flower wall hanging thing, pattern, of course, courtesy of Lucy at Attic 24 :)

Of course, that's the back view but it is still drying.  May even get it finished and put on the wall by next weekend :)  We shall see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Your crochet is lovely!
looking forward to seeing the flower when it's dry.

Oscar is so sweet - he's got the right idea staying the shade.
