Saturday, January 05, 2013

New Year...New intentions.....??


Blogging has gone by the wayside and this is not good.  The thing is that I have started to write an actually real paper and pen diary and so this blog has been neglected.  I have also been continuing my crochet obsession so there has been no time.
Cue photos of things I have made and remembered to take a picture of...many I have forgotten too :(
Mum's birthday cushion...have made 3 of these now and still not one for me :(
Hat in progress from ravelry...must find the link.
One of the many brooches I sell

My Attic24 wreath...not sure if I am finished yet.
Close up of the flowers and stars

The beginnings of my granny stripe blanket
Day 3 of the granny stripe

Something for someone.......can't say
Close this DROPS merino yarn
Nice :)

I don't know if it is just my ineptitude but I am not liking Blogger at the moment.  I don't seem to be able to put 2 pictures next to each other, even if I make the small.  I haven't a clue how you make one of those 9 or 12 photo montages.  It is just quite frustrating.

But...I did get this is the post today..... who cares about to make coffee and browse :)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Nice to see you back in blogland. I've moved over to typepad for mine :)