Thursday, February 07, 2013

Got the needles out again

I haven't knitted in absolutely ages and I felt the 'sock itch' so cast these on this morning.....

I start from the toe so the boys think it is hilarious that they look like knickers to start with...for very small people!  Can't quite remember what the yarn is.  THINK it might be NDS bought from my LYS.  Really hope I don't get second sock syndrome...these look like they are going to be beautiful.  Not sure whether to do a pattern on the leg yet though...will have to look at my books and Ravelry.

For now.....


Monday, February 04, 2013

A challenge....

I like it!

Well, I have had several lessons with my Yr3 classes about long term goals and aims.  So, I decided it was only right to set myself one and tel them.  My thinking behind this was that if I said it out loud, in front of reliable witnesses (they have already asked me several times how I am doing) then I will have to do it.

I got a voucher for Christmas from my parents for The Sheep Shop which is my LYS.  So off i trotted, pattern in hand (it's called Chevron Lace Cardigan from here ) and I purchased myself some rather lovely Debbie Bliss Cashmerino is a beautiful peacock teal type colour.  
And here it is.  Obviously the colour is COMPLETELY wrong in the picture!

A close up of the chevron pattern.  

And the absolutely added bonus is that it is top down with no seam joining...result!

I have about 7 weeks until the end of term to finish pressure then.

Sunday, February 03, 2013

We shall see...

am attempting to blog on  netbook that has taken me absolutely ages to set up to our wi-fi...

Thought it was about time I posted an update on the granny stripe blanket.  Had planned to do a colour everyday, that would be 2 rows.  It has nearly worked.  I have 30 colours so far so am only 3 stripes behind :)

Right, well this is a complete failure because you can't even hit the publish button...and copy and paste doesn't work...there is no option to insert a picture...

Right...back to my trusty Lavinia Laptop...

As you can see, it has grown a lot but it is still a very long way off finishing.

And, no, our rabbits have not turned into footballs.  Here they are

Mr C has put some stale fruit bread out for the birds and they were looking for bits under the bird table.  Samba would find some, Barley would spot she had it and so she would run off with it.  Every time Barley got close she grabbed her prize and ran off again.  She must have done several laps of the garden.  It is a wonder Barley is as portly as he is.

And I completely forgot to even mention all the snow we have had.  Well, not a lot if you live in Canada, but quite a lot for us.  No snow day though so all school pupils and teachers in this house (all of us) has to trudge through the snow.  Poor Mr C had the furthest to go and his bike has now bitten the dust.  Bike no. 3 is now with us.

I have also started a cardigan and a hexagon blanket but more of those another day.

Thanks for sticking with me...sorry for being a little rubbish.......................