Friday, December 30, 2011

Here it is...

Don't know what happened there.  Clearly Blogger was disgusted with my lack of effort in the blogging department!  Lets see if I can find a pic of it in pieces.....

I made a quilt top yesterday, after the mammoth effort of making William's last week for his Christmas present.  I had forgotten how fab the pattern was, from the Buttonberry girls (google stashbuster quilt), and how quick it was to make (mind you, binding it took hours!!).  So in the last couple of days I made another using all my red fabric.  It's too dark now to get a pic but will show tomorrow.  Then, with all the leftovers, I did one of my favourite things, just stitching them all together and trimming as I went along.  I cut the pattern from 2 bits of this 'proper pathwork', 2 lining pieces and 2 pieces of themal fabric.  Got the pattern info from this months Simply Homemade.  It's really easy. Just a bit of measuring and then draw your own pattern.  Think I may make some more and put them in my Etsy shop.

Here's the quilt I made for William...

Right, off to find some tea, me thinks......also, I promise this year to be better at checking for typos...I have got a bit of a reputation of fb for typing, pressing enter, and then checking!!!

I've been busy...

clearly!!!  I haven't blogged for 2 months and I have been completely snowed under in making and selling things...but I shall start with the most recent.  Today I made a tea cosy :)  I have taken several photos but, for some reason, blogger is not playing nicely and won't let me out them on to investigate........

Monday, October 24, 2011


Is it really the most sincere form of flattery or is it just a downright cheek?!!!!  I have read other people's blog posts before where they have posted about people stealing their ideas and always wrinkled my brow on their behalf and agreed that it is wrong.  A bit of me has thought though, fairly I think, that they are only so many ideas in the world and sometimes you can give people something and they will end up  making similar things...that is life.  But when you make something and you have put your own twist on is your style, it reminds me of you, it really is your design.

Like these......

from Paper and String website

These lovely boxes are made by the lovely talented Sarah from Paper and String.  The way they are constructed make me immediately think of her...I think they are unique.  I saw some somewhere else...'Oh,' thinks Me, 'they have got those wholesale from Sarah.'  No, they haven't, they have just stoleC her design. I won't buy from them.

celebrate your own work and style...don't nick other people's!!   Oooh I am cross!!!!!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Funny old few weeks

My poor in-laws have had 2 funerals in 2 weeks.  My FIL's mother and my MIL's step- mother died within 2 days of each other.  The first funeral, for Grandma was in the States, Cole Camp MO, so they flew out there for a week and then came back to go to another funeral which was yesterday, in Frinton.  Nan's service was lovely.  Short but lovely.  I though the vicar type guy did a really good job.  It was lovely to see all the family who could be there and meet Sophie, the newest member.  Sadly no photos although FIL took some so I will probably get those emailed to me.

So, sad in lots of ways, we now have no reason to go to Frinton but is now half term and we can relax...cue sore throat, headache and bunged up nose!!!  I guess if I am going to be ill then half term is a good time as Mr C is also home from school  so I can feel ill without feeling guilty!!

We did have a new addition to the family....Mr Chops saved up for a hamster, so Rocco joined our zoo.....

He's very cute, 9 weeks old and looks a bit like a miniature brown bear :)

He lives in this palatial space station.....
Please note - the floor now looks MUCH messier!!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

9 eggs later.....

This is what happens when you let your 10 year old loose in the kitchen.....

Tasted good too!

Sunday, October 02, 2011

The first workshop peeky.....

Check this out... I am very excited :)

I also have 3 or 4 christmas fairs coming up and will post details on the Lucy Made This blog

Sunday, September 25, 2011

I'm sitting on the doorstep......

while my children cycle round the block.  It is something I have very mixed feelings about.  They should be out playing, cycling round, enjoying htemselves and being children but I can't help thinking that something bad could happen to them.  I know I am not the only one that thinks like this...lots of my friends do.  And yet, when  was their age I used to spend hours in the woods across a busy main road (busy for 30 odd years ago) from our house.  Just my brother and I, not mobile phone.  We may have had a watch  and been told to be in at a certain time or just told to be back for tea, I really can't remember.  What I do know is that I'm still here, nothing happened to me.  No one approached us and asked if I would like to see their puppies or go back for sweets, despite the fact that Charlie from 'off the tele' met with danger every time he went out (thank goodness he had that sensible cat with him!!), so why are we all so paranoid now?  Come to think of it, my mother never made me wear a helmet (they weren't invented for bike riders) and I didn't have any lessons teaching me how to ride a bike...I just got on with it. 

Totally as an aside, Mr Chops has just asked me if I am writing my will!!!!  This is the same child who once asked me what I would do if someone phoned me and threatened my life...and I think I worry too much!!

I am excused, Mr C has just come and relieved me of my sentry duties...just as well as the battery was going :)  I am cheating a bit really.  It is my birthday tomorrow and my parents have got me a laptop...I am using it now...all shiny and wi-fi enabled...I should have waited really but I could not.  I have, however, shown remarkable patience in waiting for my pressie from the in-laws.  Back in the Easter holidays, when we went on holiday to Southwold, teh time of the great Ruby Port panic, we went into Anne Brewsters and they were having a Cath Kidston sale...what joy shall fill my heart.  So I bought a purse and MIL got the bag for me, to match, and I have had to wait until now to gaze and admire it (I am not always this shallow)...and now the time is here...what a beauty :)

So, some pictures.....I don't seem to have downloaded them from the camera another time.  Am still getting used to this new keyboard...I go to hit SHIFT for some capital letters and end up hitting the print button.  I have absolutely no ides what most of these buttons do either so lots of exploring will be  to find out.....

Friday, September 23, 2011


Bit of a bunny day here yesterday.  We are looking after some friends bunnies while they are moving and sorting themselves out.  Ours and theirs take it in turns to have the run of the garden.  So Magic (when he can actually be bothered to come out) and Diamond are having a fine old time tormenting ours and then Samba and Barley torment them when they are out.  Really, it's like having 4 extra children.  Magic, the cutest rabbit I have ever laid eyes on who would just fit in your pocket and looks like Yoda Bunny, had to have his bottom cleaned yesterday.  Here he is in all his laid back glory.......

I'll try and get some of him lolloping around...he has the cutes ears - one up and one flopping around!!!

And then we noticed that the Barley Boy had a sore on his neck.  he's either scrapped it on something or samba has had a go at him :(  So off we went to the vets.  came back with anti-biotic/inflammatory cream.  we have to make sure samba doesn't lick it or we'll have to separate them.  As they have only just got together we don't want this to happen so Barley is now sporting a rather fetching 'muscle top' to cover the cream area.  He is not impressed but he was an absolute angel having it put on...just a little star!

One very unimpressed rabbit!!!

Let's hope it clears up quickly!!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Just gorgeous......

I love the Flower Fairies and Beatrix Potter because I loved them as a child...but for the life of me I don't know why I love Humphrey so much.......

He is just so cute!!!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

So chuffed.....

As you may have noticed, if you read this blog regularly, I  get a lot of lovely stuff from here - Ribbon Girl . Mary and Andrea have lots of lovely stuff and their service and delivery are fab.  We all know that crafter's can't wait for anything so this is muchos important.  Well, today I had an email from Mary asking if I minded that she was putting some of my stuff that I have made with some of their stuff on their blog!!!!  Mind???????  I was whoopdedoop excited and very flattered.  Here's the link :) I now a lot os people will think this is a big 'so what' but for me thing is a big yippee :)

Busy week this week.  Tomorrow I am having a Pampered Chef party run by my cousin.  I am so glad that we had a good clear out in the summer because it has only taken me most of the day to get sorted!  I have also been working on my Christmas designs and visited DaisyChain to take in some more of my hair grips.  they won a rather amazing award recently and the article in the paper had a picture of them...with my stuff in the background!!!!!

Today has also brought a couple of commissions, including a grizzly bear brooch (have to get my designer onto that and another flower brooch for autumn.  Also today I have been asked to speak to an 'A' level textile/art class on what I do!!!!!!!!  That is a serious OH MY LIFE!!!!!  they have been working on materials and design.  Given that I 'employ' Mr C as my designer it could be quite interesting but they are my ideas and I do feel strongly about choice of fabrics and things like that...I'll let you know how it goes.

No pictures...i'll have to do something about that.....

it's a bit old but a haircut is long over due and this one looked good!!

Hair cuts are booked for a week on Saturday...Mr B is NOT amused...his hair is getting very long.  2 people on holiday referred to him as a girl.

We'd also like to send lots and lots of love to Grandma in Kansas City...we are thinking of you and praying for you xxxxx

Monday, September 12, 2011

A few cards...

Don't often post pictures of cards on here and not really sure why.  They are nothing spectacular but they're okay.  I must have been having a 'flower moment' with these....  

leaf stalk cut on the cricut, flowers punched with a woodware punch and phrase stamp (as all the others) is Waltzing Mouse
 I love Waltzing Mouse stamps, particularly the phrase stamps that Claire does...they are perfect.

They are not the most innovative ever...but I like them :)

Talking of cards...tenuous link...only 14 days to my birthday...and a Cath Kidston handbag will be in my sweaty (!!) grasp...I have been waiting for it since April when MIL got it for has been torture.......but eh wait will soon be over :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Run, run, as fast as you can...

Well, you won't catch me running anywhere but I am in love with this little cutie...he has many more friends to come.....

He's a hair snap!

He needs some brooch friends....
And here's one!

I need to work on facial expression...I am not artistic in any way, shape or form.  But I feel that I may be making lots of these.  Got a key ring no the go and am planning to do a garland next. 

Saturday, September 10, 2011

It's a whopper!!!!

In the spring I planted some potatoes.  Last year they were in tubs but this year we decided that low maintenance was the best way to go so stuck them seed potatoes straight in the ground.  I frankly didn't hold very high hopes because the seeds that arrived were 'micro' ones.  I planted 5 and 2 seemed to leaf up then disappear.  Then I pulled one up too early so just shoved it back in again (just call me Mrs Flowerdew).  Well, yesterday I thought, as my shallots have arrived, I had better just cut my losses and dig them up so I could prepare the ground.  It is okay to plant shallots where potatoes have just been, isn't it?  Must consult my gardening book.

Anyway...this is what I dug up.....

Not a lot of potatoes but they make up for it in variety :)

i think this one is a similar size to the seed ones I planted.

A couple of comparisons to show you the size!

Best get the garden dug over again before next door's naughty kittens use it for other purposes!

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Happy bunny :)

Samba has settled in really well.  For a rabbit who has never been able to enjoy the freedom of the great outdoors before she has taken to it like a duck to water...quite simply as it should be!!!!
Loves young dream

Can I really have all this space to binky in??

Quick - eat everything!

Barley is practicing to be a draught excluder!!!

She loves it so much out there that she won't go to bed!!

Still very shy of us and wary but she is getting more confident with us all the time.
This is what happy bunnies look like when they are sprawled in the garden - not a care in the world!

Monday, September 05, 2011


my pencil case is broken!!

And school starts tomorrow...nothing for it than to whip one up myself.  'Scuse bad photos.  Of course, now I have to make one for Mr B!

And, as I am on a roll, I make as well make some for the shop while I am at it :)


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tidying!!! This is what happens in our house

This is what happens in our house when we start to tidy.......

this is because we have a new desk and Mr C had to put it together and take the old one apart.

This is my craft always looks MUCH worse before it gets better.
Other side of my craft is actually a utility/corridor with recess, but when we saw the house this sold it to me :D

Now this room...well, it started off as the play room but the boys never used it, then it turned into the 'back room' where children did not want to spend time...but see that table stealth (and Mr C has noticed!) it is slowly turning into a fact I have had a couple of workshops in there already and have another planned for tomorrow night....Mr C puts up with an awful lot!!!

But look - TIDY :)

It's getting there.  I can't believe how much stuff we have re-cycled this summer.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Where did that go?????

Just posted and it all disappeared :( I was just telling you that while I was spending a very lovely evening out with friends last night, Mr C, armed with a bottle of Spitfire, uploaded all my new things into my Etsy shop.  I think the beer might have gone to his head a bit though...some of his descriptions!!!!!  Anyway I was very grateful that he did it because I had had a very frustrating day computer-wise.  The boys had been more than happy to amuse themselves so I took the opportunity to take the time to watermark all the photos for the shop.   My life!!!!  It was so boring and then even after all that 21 of the 30 photos I had done were ruined...I could have cried :(  And to make it worse, I had been super organised and deleted the originals as I went along because I usually end up with loads of the same photo...what a nightmare...had to start all over again :(

Never mind...worse things happen.

So...lots more rain today and Mr Chops and Mr B have had enough.  It got a bit emotional here this afternoon and voices were raised.....boys fought and Mummy rolled her eyes.  All are now sleeping peacefully and tomorrow is another day.  I have a sewing workshop in the afternoon with a couple of girls...we are going to make felt owls..can't wait.  And then next week the grown ups will be making felt frogs...with the addition of a glass of wine or 2.  I'll take piccies and share. 

Not pictures today...I'm cuddles up in bed enjoying the new addition of WiFi...well, we had it before but it was courtesy  of our very lovely neighbours.  They are moving soon (we are all gutted) so though I should get our own...and so I find myself in bed with no memory stick to share pictures from......  sorry!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Great weather we're having :(

Now, anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely loathe the hot weather...I am a witch in hot weather.  I love it when it's cool or a bit chilly...but today it has rained all day .... we've needed one of these.....

Will be in my shop as soon as I can upload it all and write descriptions...I have a few of these and some toadstools at the moment :)

But I have been busy a-sewing :D  I asked on a forum I was on what people might like to see as brooches.  I have NOTHING in my Etsy shop at the moment which  is v poor and need to stock up for Christmas.  One of the suggestions was a Westie (thanks Andrea x). So I got my designer onto it...Mr C!  Well, it's the school holidays and he's a teacher so he hasn't got a single thing to do ;)  And this is the result.....

You know, I'm not even particularly a dog person but I love him...he's so cute.  And because the cutest person I know at the moment is nephew William, I have called him William in his honour.  He has got more detail on his ears now so looks much better, the dog that is not the nephew!  It was suggested that it looks like he has a black tongue (Mr C informs me that this is his mouth) and I agree so I am going another one on a gingerbread coloured background with pink where his 'mouth is.  Might have to be a girl called Winnie...something like that.

And while I am here let me just show some more pics of our holiday last week for the family to see.......
I think Daddy might have dug this ;)

Hmmm...that looks

Seriously, Mr B, I don't care how much you doth NEED a haircut!!

Sugar overloads all round!

Says it all ;)

Right, I am off to watch Holby City and edit all the pics I have.  Mr C has promised to do the boring stuff...uploading and writing descriptions...but I have to edit first.....sounds like a good deal to me.