Friday, July 29, 2011

Craft Party!!!!

Last year, all through the summer, I had children round to my house to make things and be gnerally crafty...lots of fun.  This year I decided to team up with my friend Ann (we do a craft club at school together), and hire the school hall and hold craft parties.  We had no idea how popular they would be but we soon booked up spaces and we had the very first one today.  Our theme was holidays and the children did various craft activities based around the theme.  They were all beautifully behaved and it was really calm - I was amazed.  But it was so lovely to see some many young people enjoying themselves doing things that didn't need a screen or batteries or headphones!!!

I asked parent's permission to post some photos in here and they were more than happy - thankyou!! ( I had better check my posts more carefully for typos now as I teach some of the children!!!)

Mr Chops has also been busy sewing again.  He actually wanted to make a felt softie when he could have been playing with Lego!!!  Rather proud of him :D  He made a skunk this time......

Mr  Frogsley is watching in the background to make sure he stitches him up well!


Sue Jones said...

Brilliant! I think i should have done the same. Went to my friends house today as her girls were desperate to make some stuff. I DO think we could have done a whole class full though.

Unknown said...

Brilliant idea! isn't it great to see how much kids love creating!